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Free Publications to Download

Integration Resources Series

A&H researched, designed, and developed integration resources for newcomers to Canada. A&H has partnered with a number of organizations across the country to host the set on their websites and to distribute the resources to employers, colleges, learners, and related stakeholders. The Integration Resources Set is free to download.  

Workplace Integration Desk Reference
The Desk Reference explores the communication and intercultural competence needed to succeed as a newcomer in a multicultural Canadian workplace. This resource provides detailed insight into the what, why and how of newcomer integration. 
Workplace Integration Guide
for Managers and Mentors
The Integration Guide is designed for managers and mentors who provide support to new Canadians in the workplace. It sets out a number of key principles and insights for understanding and providing support to newcomer integration.  
Working in the Canadian Workplace
The Handbook explores twelve key strategies for working in the Canadian workplace, including strategies to start integration and to learn English, help your team, and work with other cultures. 

The integration resources summarize almost everything we need to know as newcomers to be successful in the workplace. I wish I had this 7 years ago when I first landed.

Newcomer to Canada

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